Even though the project is digitally centred, I wanted to incorporate something essential for any archaeological site: a description plaque. This is exteremely important especially for people potentially interested in knowing more about archaeology. When I first visited Tappoch Broch in 2017 I didn't go to Torwood to visit Tappoch Broch, but for a walk with a friend in the area of the abandoned Torwood Castle. Tappoch Broch was on the trail, but I didn't know about it before I got there. Once I was there there was just an old wooden since with carved "Tappoch Broch" on it. Nothing else. I think a plaque like this would be perfect to work as a "bridge" between physical site and the digital community and website behind it.


When doing research of description plaques I noted there are recurring items that appear: Name of the site, scheme of the site (or reconstruction of it), picture of the site and of course information (interpretation, excavation etc.)
On Canmore.co.uk there are drawings, pictures and reconstruction of sites. If HES wanted to carry on with this project, the material would be readily available to them.
As mentioned before I want it to be a bridge to the digital platforms which include social media and website of Prehistone. That is why I also included a QR code that would direct to the site webpage and social media and website information.